Living together in Grace

At Blockley and Bourton on the Hill services, we recommend the voluntary use of face coverings in services.

We encourage people to give one another the freedom to choose whether they socially distance. At Blockley, pews and seats will no longer be closed off in the nave, but the Northwick pews will be available for those who want to socially distance as well as wear masks.

We allow unrestricted singing, but we recommend the voluntary use of face coverings while singing to reduce droplet spread.

We recommend hand sanitisation on entering and leaving church, and at such times as people feel it important for their safety.

We continue our current practice of intincted wafers, with appropriate hand sanitisation, keeping elements covered during the prayer of consecration and exercising continued caution, including use of face coverings when speaking the Words of Distribution.

We continue to serve coffee after church in Blockley, while encouraging people to drink it outside.


Organ recital


Dying matters awareness week 2021